Tsung-Hsien Li


tsunghsien1124 [at] gmail.com
thli [at] econ.sinica.edu.tw

Mailing address:
Institute of Economics
Academia Sinica
128 Academia Road, Section 2
115201 Taipei


Hello! I am Tsung-Hsien [Zōng-Xiàn] but usually go by Li.

I am a quantitative macroeconomist and joined the Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica (IEAS) as an Assistant Research Fellow in July 2023.

I received my Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Mannheim in 2022. I was a Max Weber Postdoctoral Fellow at European University Institute before joining IEAS. You can find my CV here: English / 中文.

Hiring part-time RAs interested in quantitative macro. Feel free to reach out!

Working Papers:

The Payday Loan Puzzle: A Credit Scoring Explanation
(with Jan Sun)
Review of Economic Studies, Reject & Resubmit
[WP] [SSRN] [CRC-TR-224 DP] [Press Release]

Consumer Bankruptcy: the Role of Financial Frictions
European Economic Review, Reject & Resubmit

The Role of Marital Status for the Evaluation of Bankruptcy Regimes
(with Jan Sun)

"Whatever It Takes": A Good Communication Strategy?
(with Federico Innocenti)

Medical Expenditure Risk: Evidence in the MEPS 1996-2019

Work in Progress:

Published Papers:

Credit Card and Payday Loan Borrowing: Evidence in the SCF 2010-2019
Economics Letters, December 2022, Vol. 221
[Paper] [WP] [SSRN]

Identifying and Evaluating Domestic Systemically Important Banks in Taiwan
(in Mandarin Chinese, with Nan-Kuang Chen and Yu-Ning Hwang)
Quarterly Bulletin, Central Bank of R.O.C. (Taiwan), December 2017, Vol. 39(4)

Teaching Material:

Welfare evaluation with Dynare
[Slides] [file1] [file2] [file3]